Let’s Buddy Up!

Please click here to register your interest.

We will contact you once we have matched you to a buddy.

With the required self isolation of a large number of people, and knowing that we have a transient population we thought we would act as “buddying up” agents.

If you cannot access the internet you can reach us on 07894973434. Please leave a message if we cannot take your call.

We will aim to buddy up people in the same area.

If you are in need of a buddy (anybody who is over 70, has a health condition or has had to self isolate)

share your first name, road and telephone number with us

If you want to help and buddy up with somebody?

share your first name, road and telephone number with us

What happens next?

We will match those needing help with a closely located buddy. We will speak to both parties to go through some basic safety advice and then we will give the person in need of a buddy the telephone number of the person available to help. It is then up to the 2 buddies to decide what is appropriate going forward.

Possible buddies interactions

1. Someone to help with food shopping (virtual payment methods such as PayPal or a bank transfer should be used. Receipts should be provided, Cash and bank cheques are also suggested for older residents who do not have access to the internet))

2. posting letters

3. walking the dog

4. arranging prescription deliveries from the pharmacy

5. a daily phone call to check that you’re ok or to provide someone to talk to

We will not share your data with anybody but with your buddy. We are 2 volunteers and have no financial interest in this operation. We just want to help people connect.

Once you have been paired up with a buddy, please read our list of do’s and don’ts below.

Buddies Do and Don’t


1 Have all communication via a phone call and/or online. Agree on a call frequency and time that is suitable for both. 

2. Have no direct contact. Assume your buddy may be infected with the virus. Wash hands thoroughly after handling anything and do not touch your face until you have done so. 

3. Agree for a way to fund purchases. The best way is via a virtual payment method, ie Paypal or a Bank Transfer. Receipts for purchases should be included with deliveries. The next alternative, especially for older buddies could be bank cheques. If cash or cheques is the only method then be careful and wash your hands before giving or receiving it. We would advise that in the initial contacts purchases do not exceed £20, so that trust can be built.

3. Help get official advice. Share it via phone or the internet and if required, read the info for them. For example you could provide the phone numbers of the NHS, a doctor’s surgery, Age UK and so on…

6. Thank your buddies for their help with a phone call or a message or a letter but not gifts or money.


1. Enter the property of the person you are helping! If you are delivering for them ring them when you have left the shopping/deliveries in front of their front door, move back to where you can see what you have left but at least 2 meters away, wait until the person you are helping has come out to collect what you left, wave if appropriate but no more. Thank yous can be exchanged later on the phone. 

If you are picking up something from your buddy’s home, phone them that you have arrived at their property from a safe distance, wait until they deposit what you are collecting and have gone back indoors and then pick up what you are collecting. Phone to let them know that all is OK. 

2. Do not share personal information unless trust has been built. For example don’t ask why help is needed, or the age of the person being helped or helping, their last name, or their family circumstances.  If after a while you feel that sharing this information is appropriate that’s OK but do not feel pressurised to share personal information.

3. Do not give out your bank PIN number or passwords to online accounts

4. Do not give anyone your bank card. To pay people back please do this via PayPal, a bank transfer, a cheque or cash. Always wash hands thoroughly if you have handled anything such as cash or cheques.

3. Do not provide suggestions around health or medication. Always refer to NHS advice. If the person you are helping doesn’t have internet access it is OK to read to them official NHS advice from the NHS website.

5. Do not make gifts or accept gifts unless you feel comfortable with that. A thank you phone call or a letter is always welcome.

6. Do not offer or request financial assistance between buddies. If financial difficulties are encountered please provide the details of an appropriate service.

8. Do not offer to collect or request for prescriptions or over the counter medicine  to be collected from pharmacies. Instead you could facilitate for the delivery to be made by the pharmacy and provide information on how to arrange that.

9. Do not share information about your buddy with the authorities. If help is required then provide all necessary contact details to your buddy so that they can organise contact themselves. 

The aim of a buddy-up system is to provide one to one help to those in need and not to create a friendship. Trust is paramount in this situation. Be wary until you are 100% sure that you can trust your buddy but please still adhere to the do’s and don’ts above. 

Please note that once we have paired buddies together, we will have no further involvement unless someone requiring assistance needs new buddy.  If difficuties are encountered please call us, we might have the information you are looking for and will endeavour to help.

The NHS has also put together this helpful information sheet for those that are NHS volunteers with some more handy tips and do’s and don’t suggestions.