
There were news reports last week that Brent Council has the highest number of fly tipping incidents in England! See here.

But wait, what about other local authorities?

Kilburn has the unenviable status of being at the intersection of the 3 Local Authorities with the highest number of reported fly-tipping incidents in England.

Local Authoritynumber of fly tipping incidents 2022/23
Brent Council34830
Camden Council31457
Westminster Council30737
Total 3 boroughs covering Kilburn97024
Total London422078

Enforcement following fly tipping incidents is rather poor in the 3 Councils. None of them are topping the national league table.

Local Authoritynumber of Fixed penalty notices 22/23number of prosecutions 22/23
Brent Council2220 (6.4% of reports)33
Camden Council462 (1.5% of reports)0
Westminster Council2694 (8.8% of reports)3
Total 3 boroughs covering Kilburn5376 (5.5% of reports)36
Total London44106 (10.4% of reports)135

So no wonder fly tipping is impacting on our neighbourhood so much. It seems that fly tippers are very rarely fined!

To report fly tipping in our neighbourhood use the following:

  1. Camden- use the Love Clean Street App. Here is a link to download
  2. Westminster and Brent- Use the fixmystreet website or app. Link here