The storms made way for fantastic light over Kilburn on 16th February.

Herbert Brown premises at 306 Kilburn High Road, corner of Palmerston Road are up for rent at £25000 per annum.
A great way to get cheap food goodies and to reduce food waste is to subcribe to Toogoodtogo. Several Kilburn businesses participate in the programme: Wenzel’s, Cafe Noir (on Kilburn Lane), Maison Vie, Lolo Kitchen (Willesden Lane). Pay via the app and collect your parcel at the prescribed time.
Templar House Residents Association have organised free boxing classes for children and adults on Mondays. Do join in!
A pop up shop has appeared at 101 Kilburn High Road (old Cafe Nero). The planning application for a food take away (Jolli Bee ) was approved on 15th January 2020 though!
Brent Council are still dragging their feet when it comes to maintaining and repairing Kilburn’s infrastructure. This street light control panel has been opened to the elements since the 4th November 2019! They also continue to tarmac pavements… In Kilburn High Road they are replacing paving slabs with tarmac creating a patchwork fit for a ‘Priority Major Town Centre’ ! Please find 2 minutes to sign this petition to stop this practice.
On the 14th February we learned that the Duchess of Cornwall would visit Kilburn on 19th February, The Granville first and then the Kiln as part of the Brent Borough of Culture celebrations. Unfortunately Granville Kitchen (a long term user of the Granville) and other local groups were not invited! Neither were we! But with a bit of detective work we managed to catch the Dutchess in the Kiln. Sadly Andy din’t get to meet her, despite ensuring that all was free of rubbish for her visit.
On Valentine’s Day a great picture, reminding us about the useful service that Kilburn Flowers provided appeared. Difficult to believe they closed 2.5 years ago!

No lift at Kilburn station from 2nd March to 12th March. Unhelpful suggestion from TFL, is to take the 189 bus to Bond Street to access a lift!
Some great news on excellent Hygiene ratings for some of Kilburn’s businesses. Meaty Buns at 5, Little Bay at 4 (at last), and Sweet Spot at 4.
A new ‘Kilburn Sushi and Thai’ will open shortly at 182 Kilburn High Road. VMG has opened at 224 Kilburn High Road and a new ‘Lucky Cat’ (not linked to Gordon Ramsay though) is offering Asian food in Dyne Road. David’s Deli, by Kilburn Station, is refurbishing and will be under new management.
Philipsan Sushi are offering a brilliant 2 dishes deal at lunchtime during the week for £10.90.
Traid are delighting us with their new window display, again….
A car crashed in Loveridge Road on 10th February. Occupants fled the scene before the arrival of Police and Ambulances.
Has spring arrived early in Grange Park? Beautiful blooming corner and crocuses.
Want to learn about the history of green spaces in Kilburn? Alan is leading a free history walk on the 3rd April from 9.30am to 3.30pm with Lunch at Addis Cafe and a talk by Dick Weindling at 2pm at Paddington Cemetery
A local lost his wallet and desperately made an appeal on Twitter. He needn’t have worried as Kilburn being Kilburn, his wallet was found at Hilal Foodstores and returned to the rightful owner the next day.
Would you be interested in starting up a ‘Take one, Leave one’ coats exchange service in Kilburn? You would need a suitable location and a clothes rail. The banner is supplied free of charge.
The plans for the redevelopment of Neville House and Carlton House in South Kilburn were given the green light on 18th February despite some worrying facts: description of potential private buyers, planning committee agenda that disappeared, crucial document rectifying previous errors published on 17th February, a car lift to serve private car spaces to be sold for £40000 each, no estate parking for social tenants, a viability report that disappeared and reappeared shortly before the Committee date, massive loss of light for neighbouring properties, segregation of social units from private units etc… Meanwhile the significant issues for leaseholderss of the previously regenerated flats in South Kilburn keep on being highlighted… cannot sell because of lack of safety certificate, faulty heating and extortionate service charges and heating bills.
Shama Tatler confirmed on the 18th February that the Kilburn High Road Improvement project would go to consultation in the ‘next couple of weeks’. Let’s hope that this ‘couple of weeks’ is a couple of weeks… You will know that Brent Borough of Culture failed to send the promised letters to residents about the Kiburn High Road Street party in the ‘next couple of weeks’ as promised, as our poll clearly shows! If you don’t know about this party yet, here is our post from the last meeting.
Could you help the Abbey Community Centre with a donation? They provide exceptional services for the local commuity.
Here is the link between the ‘White House Farm’ tragedy as shown by ITV and Kilburn.
Highlander, was partially filmed in Saint Augustine’s and for those who didn’t know yet , Rememberance of the Daleks was also filmed in Paddington Cemetery.
For those who are interested in the Gaumont State, here is a film made on the Opening night in 1937. Full of celebrities of the time and great details about our famous landmark. Note how many staff were employed and the opulence of the building, with a fountain! So wish the public could access this building on other days than Wednesdays between 12 and 2pm, when most people are at work!
‘New Order’ at the Kilburn National in 1982- New Pics.
There were altercations again in front of the Muslim Centre at the bottom of Kilburn High Road.
Brent Council voted for an increase of 3.99% in Council Tax Bills, 2% increase in remuneration of Councillors and a publicised decrease of £7.4Millions in services. However they did not publicise the increase in Central Budgets of £8.6 Millions! We think it is very misleading as there is no clear indication as to what Central Budgets are for.

Want to know more about Kilburn State of Mind, based in Watling Gardens? They have issued their first newsletter.
Street Kitchen, in all weather, are offering free food in Kilburn Square every Friday evening. Well done to the volunteers and to the businesses that donate food.
And because there are always surprises in Kilburn… A Lamborghini parked next to a fly-tipped pile!
What’s happening this fortnight
Until the 21st March ‘Pass Over’ at the Kiln Theatre
27th February ‘The Pale‘ at the Fiddler
28th February Comedy at the North London Tavern
3rd March BRAT meeting at ICMP
4th March Conleth McGeary at the Fiddler
5th March Kytes + special guest Spilt Milk Society at the Fiddler
7th March ‘The Majestic’ at the Fiddler
What’s happening a bit later
14th March Ceilhid Dance at the Sheriff Centre
14th March Rusty Shackle at the Fiddler
19th March The Native + special guest Alex Francis at the Fiddler
24th March Frankie Gavin performing at the Fiddler
2nd April- History walk led by Alan, with talk by Dick Weindling.
26th April- Foraging walk in Paddington Cemetery
If you have news, an event, some local history or just a favourite corner of Kilburn you’d like to share please email us or tweet to @lifeinkilburn.