Nice to see that Kilburn residents continue to pull together to help the most vulnerable. We have been campaining for pavements in the Kilburn High Road to be made wider immediately to allow for pedestrians to observe the 2m distancing rules and there are finally some hints of positive news. Sadly vehicular traffic has increased again significantly in the last 2 weeks making it dangerous for pedestrians to walk on the road and for cyclist to cycle safefy.
Make our pavements wider
We have sent this message to the leaders of Brent and Camden Councils, TFL And Andrew Dismore on 20th April. We only received an answer promising a follow up from the Leader of Brent Council and from Andrew Dismore. We believe that KHR pavements should be widened temporarily immediately to allow more space for pedestrians. People will also want to ride their bikes more to avoid public transport when workpaces reopen in the coming weeks.
We have reported numerous times that there are large queues for the post office and major supermarkets and it is impossible to keep a 2m social distance on the Kilburn high roads narrow footpath. The Department of Transport has given new powers to highway authorities to do this. But for some reason it is taking a long time for any action to happen in Kilburn. Other areas in London such as Hackney however have quickly implemented footpath widening. Whether they be planter boxes or simply cones in Lambeth.
The Brent and Kilburn Times and Ham and High ran an article on the call for wider pavements on Kilburn High Road, and Camden Council have scheduled an ’emergency’ item for the Cabinet meeting on 13th May to look at the issue.
Brent Cycling have also sent an open letter to Brent Council.
So we hope things will happen especially now that Will Norman and the Mayor of London are making a lot of noise about facilitating pedestrians and cyclists in light of COVID. We will continue to put pressure , but would appreciate if you could send a message via the Living Street website to your Councillors. It takes 2 mins and you just need your postcode and name.
Locals who are helping with COVID-19
The Camden New Journal did a piece on the buddy up service we helped implement to help vulnerable and self isolating people in the area. If you need assistance or would like to be a buddy, just register here.
Paramount Estate Agents in West Hampsted kindly donated a fridge to a vulnerable family whose fridge broke when they needed to keep medication refrigerated.
Ellen, kindly bought a phone for a vulnerable gentleman we are helping. Now he can have remote telephone consultations with the hospital and keep in touch with the world. Thank you so much.
Granville community kitchen had some volunteers arrive with supplies for their kitchen. They are continuing to deliver food parcels twice a week on Wednesdays and Fridays and even managed to source and install a new washing machine for a vulnerable family this week. Well done. More about the Granville Community Kitchen here.
The Abbey community centre are doing lots of great work helping people in the area. You can help them continue their work by donating at this crowdfunding page.
Foodcycle Kilburn delivered 103 food parcels to vulnerable households in Kilburn and surroundings on 2nd May. Please donate non perishable items at these locations here. The needs are growing so any donation is welcome.
Feastwithus , who cook in JW3, are also delivering ready meals and packages to those who need them in Kilburn.
UCKG are offering free soup every saturday between 11am and 1pm.
Kerstin Rodgers, a Kilburn resident, has been making meals for NHS staff with ingredients donations from Winyip.
If you’re one of our buddies or just helping a vulnerable neighbour, the Post Office are now able to deliver cash to the door of vulnerable customers.
Another local worthy cause is the Brandon Centre supporting young people in Camden with various issues including mental health. You can donate to them here.
Camden Giving are also fundraising. They recently awarded Casa Latino Americana in Kilburn due to the work that they’re doing.
Know your Kilburn

Many of you got the answers right to our ‘knowyourkilburn’ pictures questions. The first one was Kilburn Polytechnic in Glengall Road and the second was Kingsgate School in Kingsgate Road.

A servants agent and probably a villain with links to Kilburn. Enjoy courtesy of our local historians.
Did you know that Leonard Rosoman, a famous war artist, was a pupil at Kingsgate School?
Great pictures of people in Kilburn in 1976-1978. Can you recognise anybody?
Other news
We love the many rainbows that have been appearing all over Kilburn! Here are a few on Tennyson Road and on Esmond Road. We even had the luck of having a real double rainbow at 8pm on 30th April, right in time for Clap for our Carers!

Bagel Baby will open soon at 58 Willesden Lane.
The Sunday roasts, delivered on Sundays by the Black Lion seem to delight locals and here.
Maison de La Vie have reopened for takeaways.
Piccolo, are now open every morning for takeaway from 8am to 1pm. Please support Mass, the owner, who has been relentlessly helping the NHS.
A NW2 business is offering deliveries of Fruits and Vegs in NW6. A relatively new grocery business, Reyaco, are now also delivering in Kilburn. A Cricklewood baker, is also now delivering fresh sourdough Bread and pastries in Kilburn.
Wingmans have published a book of their recipes. They are still open for deliveries.
The only 2 trees on the public Brent side of Kilburn High Road have been identified as Bird Cherry trees or Prunus Padus
Network rail have been doing track works resulting in trains honking their horns.
You can buy and reload grocery store cards while raising money for charities.
Failing to find the so wanted grocery delivery slots? This new website might help you.
Struggling or know somebody struggling with energy bills? Green Doctors are here to offer free help.
Camden would love to see photos of your thank you banners for the NHS and key workers.
The Royal Free Hospital are asking for you to send your children pictures to brighten the corridor to the Covid wards.
On the 20th April police arrested 4 men after reports they were carrying weapons. Also sadly a Paramedic was ‘badly beaten’ while on duty in Kilburn. On the 28th April there was a serious incident in Mazenod Avenue.
Please continue to report crime. The police are still doing a lot of great work in the area. See what they’ve been up to in Camden here.
Sadly on 28th April a scooter delivery driver was involved in a serious collision with a car in Kilburn HIgh Road.
After shaming Brent Council in the Brent and Kilburn Times, the Terrace street sign has finally been replaced. It took a number of years, but at last it has happened!
The Lexi Cinema are doing free virtual screenings.
West End Lane Books are taking email orders for books or jigsaws to keep you or your little ones entertained.
Will this south Kilburn resident finally have hot water?
And because Kilburn is Kilburn, our cats like to intrude on official business….