Famous Irish author Marian Keyes visited our local cemetery this fortnight and was surprised to discover a Planet Organic in Kilburn.
Meanwhile our Gormley statue in Maygrove Peace park got a new look.
Our non stop quest to have the basics like regular rubbish collection continues to be a never ending battle. Here are some examples of it not happening here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here,… you get the idea. Veolia UK seem to have given up trying to keep Kilburn clean, not carrying any rubbish collections for days, closing fly tip reports without clearing them. Please do report and report and report… We have written to Richard Bradbury, in Camden copying our local Councillors on several occasions this fortnight and where promised a full review. Let’s make sure it happens!
Congratulations to Kiln theatre who won the friendliest business award. Along with a few other local Kilburn businesses.
Traffic survey cameras have been installed at the junctions of Kilburn High Road and Maygrove and Iverson roads. Let’s hope it will provide data for improvements in the North of Kilburn. We may even soon have a date for the consultation promised in September/October 2019.
Our local police have been at it again with more arrests here, here and here. Thanks for helping to keep Kilburn safe.
Planning alert, for 108/110 Kilburn High Road. Please comment by 23rd December
This shop outside of Kilburn Station is going to become…. a mobile phone shop
Fancy running our local bookshop for a day? Here is how.
King of Naan, at 267 Kilburn High Road, were quick to answer to criticism about their use of single us plastics. Well done!
The Sweet Spot at 284 kilburn high road is being refurbished.
Maderos seem to have closed for good.
Trendos also seem to have closed after only 6 months.
Ever been to Casa Latina in Kingsgate Place? They offer a large amount of services.Check them out.
B.B. Evans was once one of the biggest Department stores in London, right here in Kilburn.
Piccolo cafe is starting up Jazz nights on Friday and Saturday nights.
Riverside seem to have closed their sheltered housing units at 187 Kilburn High Road.
‘Hampstead and Kilburn’ is the constituency with the second highest number of Irish born voters. Who said Kilburn had lost all its Irish history? There were a few election hustings this fortnight. Please do vote on 12th December. Polling stations are open betwen 7am and 10pm.
Brent Council proudly anounced the passing of 2 ‘Green Reports’; ‘Climate Emergency Interim report‘ and ‘Brent Breathes‘. Let’s hope those are not just words and lead to much needed improvements in Kilburn. In the meantime they continue to cut healthy trees and to tarmac pavements...
So sad about this old lady who lost her council house of 44 Years because she was the victim of Anti Social behaviour.
Kilburn smokers are of the nostalgic type.
In need of a Brazilian professional Football player? Look no futher.
More ‘made in Kilburn’ music, from ‘Rod Stewart and Faces‘, Nirvana, ‘Wedding Present‘, ‘The Beatles‘,
Looking for local Christmas presents. Then head to offside books or to Kingsgate workshops!
Strange offerings in street corners. Wonder what they mean?
And we would like to thank the Priory Tavern for awarding us the ‘local heroes’ award. Thanks also to the person who nominated us. We realy enjoyed our festive meal and would recommend you try their Christmas offer. Delicious food, great service and perfect atmosphere!
Let’s make sure that next year’s festive decorations in Kilburn are better than this year’s. Fancy a bit of ‘guerilla’ decorating?
And because we did not yet have a place to fix our tanks, our dreams have been answered, andt it costs £1 Plus, whatever that means…
What’s happening this fortnight
Until 14th December- Exhibition at Kingsgate Project Space
10th December ‘Comedy Night’ at the North London Tavern
10th and 11th December ‘Mundy’ at the Fiddler
From 10th December ‘Snowflake’ at the Kiln Theatre
12th December @RossaMurray8 performs at The Fiddler
14th December history walk by Alan, covering the Southern Camden Kilburn side
15th December from 3pm Christmas party at Templar House
15th December Christmas Carols at St Augustine’s at 5pm
16th December Christmas Carols in Mapesbury Dell
17th December 6:30 – 8pm Sidings community centre AGM
18th December‘Eleanna’ at the Fiddler
19th December- Kilburn Camden Safer Neighbourhood Police Open meeting
21st December Free Kids entrepreneurs workshops
What’s happening a bit later
30th December to 12th January Recycle your unwanted electrical items at the Kiln
31st December 2019. New Year’s Eve Party at the Fiddler
31st December 2019 New Year’s Eve Kilburn Supper Club
11th January ‘Bright Nights‘ at Priory Tavern
22nd January 7-9pm Safer Neighbourhood Panel (SNP) Proposed Kilburn Ward panel meeting
If you have news, an event, some local history or just a favourite corner of Kilburn you’d like to share please email us news@lifeinkilburn.com or tweet to @lifeinkilburn.