If you live in this area in Kilburn you should receive a letter about the Kilburn High Road Street party on 11th July 2020 soon…Don’t despair we are chasing… You should, if you live or work in Kilburn, definitely attend the next residents meeting on the 7th April.
We attended a meeting on 4th March with Alice Lester and Shama Tatler to ask more about the South Kilburn Regeneration. So what will the regeneration deliver? What is Social Rents housing? Why have there been delays? Less community and green spaces? Find out here.

We were told that the consultation about Kilburn High Road improvements will definitely happen this month, at last… It is in the hands of Shama Tatler and Adam Harrison at the moment.
Watch out for some fresh paint on paving slabs north of Willesden Lane on Kilburn High Road on Wednesday 10th March! We are meeting with a Brent Officer and will mark every single pavement defect with paint!
David’s Deli express by Kilburn tube station is under new management and undergoing a refurb, Meaty Buns is also under new management and new restaurant Thai & Sushi will open at 278 Kilburn high road.
Another Persian restaurant is also opening soon and the long time empty Il Korner is going to be Amigos Burgers and Shakes
A new beauty salon, Lash Studio is opening soon at 55 Willesden Lane and at 225 Kilburn high road a Grocery shop with fruit, veg and butcher is opening.
Ladbrokes at 3 to 5 Kilburn High Road has closed. Another 2 branches are still open.
Did you know that ‘ Pick and Mix’ has returned to Kilburn?
The planning application for a hotel at 2 to 14 Priory Park Road has been approved.
Have you signed this petition yet to save the Kilburn Grange nursery?

Did you know that Myra Hess, one of the greatest pianists of the 20th century, was born in Kilburn? and that England’s first goal scorer, who grabbed a last-minute equaliser against Scotland in 1870, was an auctioneer from Kilburn called Alfred Baker.
Dirk Bogarde was born in Kilburn. A link between “the Blue Lamp” movie and NW6.
The lift at Kilburn tube is out of action for repairs until the 12th March causing issues for those with diabilities and parents.
Rent hikes at Kingsgate community centre could cause group closures.
The Abbey community centre is after volunteers for their Children’s Services.
A list of the Abbey’s community Centre activities is here.
Fancy a run and talk? New free ‘Run Talk Run’ sessions are offered on Monday evenings.
The North London Tavern are now hosting Forro Dance classes on Tuesdays. The Sir Colin Campbell are hosting a Music Pub Quiz every Thursday.
New African Dance classes are starting for children at Charteris Sports Centre on Sunday afternoons.
Kilburn State of Mind are offering free piano lessons. Do contact them if you are interested.
If you have not seen the award winning film ‘For Sama’ yet , here is your opportunity on 15th March! This will raise money for a refugee charity as well.
Yet another survey! Brent council want to know how you use the high road in the evenings after 6pm but after filling out numerous surveys and seeing little to no action on promised improvements year after year, we’re frustrated and fed up with consultations and empty promises. If you’d like to fill it in however the link is here.
So glad that the scaffolding on Glengall House has finally gone! It took storm Dennis to prompt action on that front, with the road being closed by mergency services after the scaffolding became unsafe.
The 17th March is St Patrick’s Day. Why not go out and sample the Irish atmosphere in a local pub? The Sir Colin Campbell will have Irish music, The Fiddler ‘Cush and Friends’. The atmosphere is also always good on St Patrick’s day at the Glyn’s Bar on Willesden Lane or the Coopers’ Arms.
In our last newsletter we covered the increase of Council Tax by 3.99% by Brent Council. Camden Council voted this week also for an increase of 3.99%.
Reported on the 2nd March to Thames Water , fixed on 6th March. Well done Thames Water! Wish Brent Council could show the same amount of urgency to unblock gullies, creating lakes on the High Road.
Sadly some rather disturbing graffiti appeared on the door of McDonald’s. The police reacted very promptly. Please do report this kind of graffiti to the Police as they tend to react very quickly.
Is this the end of ‘bin gate’ in Palmerston Road after years of complaints?
Great initiative by Camden Council. If you run an independent Coffee Shop or have an office, paper cups can be collected free of charge for recycling.
The Corona Virus has prompted some locals to show their entrepreneurial flair: 5 surgical Masks for £16 or 1 bottle of hand sanitiser for £15 anyone?
When fly-tipping becomes very posh….
Did you spot Prince Harry and Jon Bon Jovi on Abbey Road?
And because Kilburn is Kilburn…. is there a Gladiator or a Cinderella in the neighbourhood? and…have Brent Council finally improved the ‘Gateway to Kilburn’ with a new water feature?
What’s happening this fortnight
9th March International Songwriting Contest between ICMP/ATLA/Le Reacteur at the Fiddler
9th March Reading of the play The Wasps at the North London Tavern
11th March Celia Purcell is teaching a ‘Silver Swans’ ballet class Wed 7:30pm Kilburn Grange School. celiarosepurcell@gmail.com
11th March South Kilburn Tenants steering group meeting
13th March live Irish music at Sir Colin Campbell
14th March Ceilhid Dance at the Sheriff Centre
14th March Rusty Shackle at the Fiddler
14th March Clothes Swap at West Hampstead Community Centre.
15th March screening of ”For Sama” at the Kiln with proceeds to go for West Hampstead Refugee Charity. Tickets only £10 with Q&A
17th March over 60’s St Patrick’s day lunch at Kingsgate community centre.
17th March Celebrate St Patrick’s day at the Fiddler with Cush and Friends.
18th March Kilburn safer neighbourhood team meeting 6:30pm at Sycamore Court
19th March The Native + special guest Alex Francis at the Fiddler
What’s happening a bit later
24th March Frankie Gavin performing at the Fiddler
2nd April- History walk led by Alan, with talk by Dick Weindling.
7th April Meeting about the Kilburn high road party taking place 11th July at ICMP 6:30pm
16th April Patrick James will be performing at The Fiddler
17th April New exhibition in Kingsgate Project Space
26th April- Foraging walk in Paddington Cemetery
If you have news, an event, some local history or just a favourite corner of Kilburn you’d like to share please email us news@lifeinkilburn.com or tweet to @lifeinkilburn.