Kilburn is suffering from a very high level of fly tipping. Veolia UK is responsible to clear fly tips within a reasonable time once reported wether on the Brent or the Camden side of Kilburn.
The Veolia contracts with both Councils specify that our highways (roads and pavements) need to be maintained at a level B, or better, of cleanliness. It will not cost the Councils any additional money to hold Veolia to account in terms of fly tipping clearance as it is included in the cost of the waste management contract.
The unfortunate truth is that unless fly tipping is reported by a member of the public it is not cleared!
The responsibility for the enforcement of fly tipping, ie issuing fines for culprits strangely lies with Council officers and not Veolia. The officers will enforce when Veolia and/or the public supply evidence.
When it becomes very expensive for Veolia to clear a large amount of fly tipping in an area, pressure is put on the Neighbourhood manager on the Brent side and on the Senior Area Monitoring Officer on the Camden side, to proactively enforce anti fly tipping regulations. You may have seen the recent posters that have appeared on Kilburn High Road for example!
The first steps for both Councils is what they call “education”, ie informing residents and businesses culpable of fly tipping that they are breaching regulations. The second step is to issue a S33ZA warning notice reminding culprits of the consequences of failing to heed the warning about illegal or mispresented waste. The next step is the issue of a fixed penalty notice. If the business or resident doesn’t pay the FPN, they will be prosecuted under the environment protection act, if enough evidence is available. Conclusion the process is long and requires a lot of Council officers time to complete.
Monthly fly tipping reports are produced by ward in both Brent and Camden and the scarce Council resources for enforcement are deployed in light of these reports. The reports are based on fly tipping reports made on the CleanCamden app or the “Love clean strets App”. Both apps work on both sides of Kilburn, but we find that the Cleancamden app is easier to use.
If there are no reports, then very little action will be taken by both Councils and scarce resources will be allocated to other parts of the Boroughs and our streets will remain filthy. Thus if you want a clean Kilburn we need your help, at least for a short time.
Please REPORT FLY-TIPPING on the APPS for December and January, so that resources are deployed in Kilburn!
It is easy and less time consuming than you think!
- Download the App. Here for Iphones and here for androids. If you prefer to use the desktop version you can use this.
- Open the app
- click begin
- Confirm the location of the fly tip with the red icon and press the forward arrow
- Take a picture of the fly tip or add a picture you have taken previously, press the forward arrow
- In the description box, type the nearest addres ie for example 200 KHR or outside “Maison Vie” KHR,
- Select the Category ie Flytip
- Press send report.
Once you become familiar with the app it takes less than a minute to report a fly tip.
So what is a fly tip?
A fly tip is any waste left on the highway, that should not be there at the time. On the Camden side of Kilburn, (excluding the High Road) no rubbish should be left out except on collection days that are Fridays! On the Brent side collection dates vary by street but any loose bag or cardboard or furniture should not be left on the pavement. On Kilburn High Road, Camden side, anything not in an orange veolia bag or a clear Veolia recycling bag, a business waste bag (ie veolia business, Simply Waste, Biffa or the like) or not stickered with a business waste sticker is a fly tip. On the Brent side, anything that is not in a business waste bag or stickered with a business sticker is a fly-tip except between 7and 8 am in the morning and 7 and 8pm in the evening. Additionally Green bags on the Camden side and Blue bags on the Brent side, used by street cleaners are not fly tips. In doubt, report as a fly tip.
Here are examples below:
Fly tip- Furniture Fly tip as not bagged properly and presented outside collection times on side road Obvious fly tip Fly tip as a mix of boxes and correct bag presentation Obvious fly tip. Not in bags Not orange bags on Camden side of KHR- fly tip obvious fly tip furniture fly tip business waste fly tip business waste fly tip fly tip on Brent side of KHR because was at 3pm fly tip Not fly tip as in orange veolia bag on camden side of KHR
If you want a cleaner Kilburn, then join in the 2 months of Fly tip reporting so we can ensure that scarce Council resources are allocated to Kilburn. Thank you.
It will not make a difference immediately but it will eventually! Once you become familiar with the App, you can also report Fly posting, Graffiti, Litter, full public bins and more, but let’s concentrate on fly tipping for the moment.
If you are wary about sharing your personal information when reporting fly tips, you can create a temporary email address that you use to register on the apps.
Send us some of your reports so that we can share them if you feel like it.
If you have any question do not hesitate to contact us