Welcome back!
So happy that life is slowly returning to some kind of normality with our local businesses having reopened or about to re-open on the 17th May. Even during lockdown Kilburn High Road was busy simply because it hosts a myriad of essential businesses. With the lockdown easing, please support our local businesses. It has been a very hard year for most of them!
The new planning laws being discussed at the moment could severely endanger our High Road, as there could be a relaxation of Permitted Development rights including the change of use from class E (commercial) to residential without planning permission. This could mean that a number of retail premises, that contribute to the liveliness of Kilburn could be turned into yet more housing units. We have been assured by both Brent and Camden Councils that they have put in place Article 4 directives to prevent change of use from Office to residential without planning permission and that they are exploring all options to protect our commercial premises.
Very sad to have confirmation that brent Council are again trying to build more housing on their local Estates. Plans have already been approved for Watling Gardens, huge tower and smaller units, plans are in the pipeline for Windmill Court with again a new tower and smaller buildings, The South Kilburn regeneration is on its way to create 2000 more residential units, and now Brent want to add a 17 storeys tower and other lower buildings on the Kilburn Square Estate. Please see our post here on why we think these latest plans should be opposed! Please attend the consultation meetings to oppose such over development.

Meanwhile, Countryside Properties, the developers of the Peel Precinct, have made a revised planning application for a reduced size GP surgery and an additonal 3 housing units. This means that more D1 (community) space will be lost in the South Kilburn Regeneration.
There is a public online consultation about the Carlton Vale Boulevard on the 12th May. Please attend if you can. Brent Council have paid the designers £345000 so let’s make sure they design something that we want. The last spend on Carlton Vale was £370000 in 2017!
Please take a few minutes to help decide the future of the wonderful Tin Tabernacle on Cambridge Avenue by answering this survey. It would be fantastic if more peole could enjoy the interior of the building.
A number of new businesses have opened or are about to open:
1. Lash Studio at 55 Willesden Lane
2. Elmadinah at 40 Willesden Lane, a Lebanese restaurant and food store
3. All Online Shop at 60 Willesden Lane.
4. Cake Delusions at 76 Willesden Lane. Opening soon. Here is their website.
5. Ranya Barber at 159 Kilburn High Road
6. Dam Health at 134 Kilburn High Road. They offer private COVID PCR testing.
Sadly no news about the opening date for the bakery “GB Corner” at the corner of Burton Road.
The Moroccan Deli at 296 Kilburn High Road will be replaced by yet another Burger chain, and yet another pizza chain will open at the corner of Kilburn High Road and Palmerston Road, ie at 306 Kilburn High Road.
Most of our pubs, with outside seating areas have reopened. Those are the Carlton Tavern, The Queen’s Arm, The Old Bell, The Prince of Wales, Bokor, The Black Lion, The Kilburn Arms, the Coopers Arms and Ciao Ciao. The North London Tavern, the Sir Colin Campbell, The Priory Tavern, The Fiddler are definitely reopening on 17th May. Hopefully McGlynns, The Earl of Derby and The Juniper will also reopen on 17th may. No definitive news about the Brondes Age, despite the refurbishment being finished.
Entertainment is also coming back with the Kiln Theatre reopening on the 23rd May with “Reasons You Shold(n’t) Love Me”. No date yet for the opening of the Kiln Cinema but the Kiln Cafe is opening its doors again on 4th May. The Fiddler Live are planning several gigs. Full listing here.
Piccolo, The North London Tavern and the Kiln are hiring staff.
The fit out plans for the A4 unit on the Good Ship site are now available. As sadly expected ,the space to hold live music events looks very restricted and it is worrying that the unit is marketed as a possible D1 space, or a restaurant without a kitchen. Also worrying that the build doesn’t match the approved plans, with the addition of a big pillar in Drakes Yard, the none existence of the corbelled brick details and the absence of the zinc details in between storeys.
Free online history talk about “Hampstead Cemetery” in Fortune green on the 18th May. Please register and discover who is buried there.
On 9th May why not join the Kilburn History Walk from Watling Gardens to Paddington Recreation Grounds? Free but a donation of £10 would be welcome.
Kingsgate Workshops are holding two free online makers workshops on 14th and 16th May, one about printing and the other stitching, so get creative.
Free basketball coaching sessions for 8 to 18 Years old at the Sidings Community Centre.
The police have started to confiscate electric scooters in Kilburn. As a reminder it is illegal to ride an electric scooter on the public highway. This didn’t stop this rather patriotic scooter to make an appearance.
A local artist is selling some amazing prints of Kilburn on her etsy shop. Please have a look.
There was a dramatic fire in Chichester Road on 27th April. Fortunately no injury was sustained.
Could you spare some time volunteering at the Abbey Community Centre? They are holding an event on the 12th June for you to find out more.
And finally, have you ever heard of a Cosemtic Doctor? We have.