We have 2 winners of the London Curry AWARDS 2019 in Kilburn. @vijayindiauk for “South Indian Curry Restaurant of the year” and @AnjanaasLondon for best “South Indian Dining experience of the year”. Try them out if you haven’t yet. Want to know more about Vijay’s link to the Beattles, read here.
We tried and loved the £17.95 “all you can eat” lunchtime offer at Philipsan Sushi.
Improvements will be coming to the pavements of Kilburn High Road. The deadline for implementation is 11th July 2020. Check out some of the photos we took at the meeting here and here of wider footpaths, new trees, improvements to encourage cycling and more benches. This was a pre-consultation meeting so we sadly cannot share the whole presentation!
£95000 rent per year could get you this prominent ex Nat West Bank on Kilburn High Road. https://propertylink.estatesgazette.com/property-details/6473953-former-natwest-available-to-let-in-kilburn …. No wonder it has remained empty and that Nat West moved across the road!
There’s a pop up Italian restaurant at the Kilburn Arms, Willesden Lane. Very good reviews already

Carlton Tavern, the pub that was demolished by developers and was ordered to be rebuilt, is slowly taking shape.
A suspicious package was apparently been found at The Islamic Centre, Maida Vale causing Kilburn High road to be closed.
Kilburn went wild on Friday night with supporters of the Agerian football team.
There’s a petition to save Rumi’s Cave in South Kilburn.
Fish and Ice Salesman at 315 Kilburn High Road.
The Netherwood Youth & Family Hub, in Kilburn was officially opened with the Mayor of Camden in attendance.
It appears to be loquat fruit picking season in Kilburn with one local picking 22kg of the fruit.
‘Alarming’ works are taking place at Neave Brown’s Alexandra Road estate, say heritage campaigners

Please, please object to the installation of 3 signs on the pavements of Kilburn High Road. It takes 5 minutes & will help prevent further cluttering on our already overcrowded foothpaths with no gain to the area. Click on this link and add the 3 following application numbers 19/1997, 19/2001, 19/2006.
Food Cycle Kilburn are after volunteers if you can spare time on Saturdays.
For reasons not entirely clear, Kilburn Square was taped off this week.
Want to know about Vinegar Joe? And a Kilburn Celebrity?
Platinum House at 157 Kilburn High Road finally has a tenant! A mix of lingerie, perfumes and jewellery.
Kingsgate Road was transformed into a film set bringing back old shops to life temporarily.
And because Kilburn is Kilburn, the pigeons restrainers became the pigeons savers!
What’s happening this fortnight
22nd July Universal credit FREE facilitator training for churches/community groups in the morning at Kilburn square
25th July 6pm free screening with of Anna Bowman’s film on Kilburn’s History with live music and refreshments at St James Church in Sheriff Road
25th July “Cush of the Men They Could not hang” at the Fiddler
26th July Stroke Freedom meeting at the Sidings Community centre 1-2.15 pm
27th July A Night of Pure Moby-Dickery at The Tin Tabernacle
Until The 10th August Free Exhibition at Kingsgate Project Space.
Until 7th September “Blues in the Night” at the Kiln
What’s happening a bit later
11th August a Hampstead to Kilburn walk led by Alan, our local Camden tour guide. “Walk Hope and Charity”
11th August “Graeme James” at the Fiddler
17th August – ET will be the Film on Fortune Green in West Hampstead at 7pm
23rd August “The Heliocentrics” at the Fiddler.
19th September “Abbey Autumn Festival” at Abbey Community Centre.
25th to 28th September Free Play at the Kiln. “The Seven Ages of Patience”. Grab your tickets now.
12th October Heritage Fair at Sidings Community Centre.
If you have news, an event, some local history or just a favourite corner of Kilburn you’d like to share please email us news@lifeinkilburn.com or tweet to @lifeinkilburn.