In news this fortnight we were incredibly saddened to hear that a man died in a fire along with his pets in a flat in the Sidings Estate.
A child, who is a pupil at Kingsgate school, was also hit by a car last week. Will Camden council do anything to make our roads safer?
And in final bad news, a pensioner was taken to hospital after trying to tackle a thief in the EE store.
Kilburn used to be called the music mile. Our local historian, Dick Weindling, has been trying to compile a full history of 234 Kilburn High Road. With acts as famous as Bowie, Nirvana, the Pogues, it would be great if you could send us a list of acts you have seen there and pictures of programmes or tickets to complete the events record of one of Kilburn’s musical landmark.

Did you enjoy the Winter Crafts fair at Kingsgate workshops? There is still time to see their current exhibition.
Speedy Noodle has closed for a refurb. A new pharmacy is opening on Willesden Lane and another hairdresser is opening on the northern end of the high road.
Quartieri has been voted one of the best pizza places in London
Have you tried to eat at Morso, on Abbey Road?
Parent and baby cinema screenings will start next week at the Kiln cinema.
Local businesses and residents were asked to email their support for 3 Neighbourhood Community Infrastructure Levy (NCIL) bids which will help improve Kilburn
Did you know that the Carlton Tavern was destroyed twice in less than a century? Read all about WW1 bombs in Kilburn, courtesy of Dick Weindling.
Kilburn has the first Animal War Memorial in London. It is located at 10 Cambridge Avenue. Full story here.
If you would like to learn more about Kilburn’s history, please attend the KNPF meeting on 4th December, where Dick Weindling will be giving a one hour talk from 7.15pm. All welcome!
Winter is back. Where’s your favourite for a Sunday roast? The open fire and roast at the Black Lion is always a nice way to spend the afternoon. If you’re after something different try the Tata Eatery popup at the Sir Colin Campbell pub.
It’s been 55 years since the Rolling Stones played in Kilburn. Blur also played here. With so many local live music venues closing, if you can, PLEASE attend the decision on the Good Ship on the 12th December. Info here.
Kilburn is on Camden’s list for transport improvements. And on the transport theme the frequency of the 328 bus is changing to become…. less frequent.
Sing away those winter blues with a weekly Thursday singing workshop.
A news that will surprise almost no one, flytipping incidents reported in Camden have almost doubled in the past year!
If you’re a personal trainer and need an indoor space to train clients then have a look at Templar House.
And finally the saga of the Kilburn High Road night resurfacing works continues… We were alerted on 23th November by signs on the road. The Conway men and vehicles made 3 attempts on 3 consecutive nights to start the works creating chaos. Brent Council blamed the weather for resheduling the works to 3rd December for 3 or 4 nights. Yet the signs tonight say works from 4th to 10th December. While we all agree the resurfacing is absolutely critical we would welcome some adequate communication from Brent Council. The works are not mentioned on the Brent website, nor the TFL website. We have also seen some communication stating that the resheduling of the works was not entirely due to weather conditions… Let’s hope that all the works are carried out and completed within 4 nights this week, as per the latest communication from Brent Council.
Regular Events
Monday Nights: comedy/show nights at the North London Tavern, Open Mic at Sir Colin Campbell
Tuesday Nights quiz at the Black Lion Kilburn and at the Priory Tavern. Commedy at the North London Tavern.
Wednesday nights: open mic at the Earl of Derby, Swing dance at the North London Tavern
Thursday Day: Watling Gardens gardening club 10am -11:30am
Thursday nights: Open Mic at the North London Tavern, Karaoke at the Earl of Derby
Friday nights: Live Irish Music at Sir Colin Campbell, live music at the North London Tavern, Karaoke nights at the Cock Tavern, band night at Earl of Derby and Live Music at Maison Vie.
Saturday nights: Live Irish Music at Sir Colin Campbell, retro evenings at the North London Tavern, DJ night at Earl of Derby.
Sunday nights: quiz at the North London Tavern, Live Irish Music at Sir Colin Campbell
Saturday from 11am to 1pm Gardening in the St Cuthberts garden
What is happening this fortnight
4th December – a new comedy night is starting at the North London Tavern
4th December 6.30 to 9PM AGM and Members meeting of the Kilburn Neighbourhood Plan Forum with history of Kilburn talk by Dick Weindling at 7.15pm. All welcome.
4th December – comedy night at the North London Tavern
4Th December HS2 information drop in at the Granville, 3.30-7.30pm
5th December – FREE mosaic workshop at the Granville
5th December – public meeting on crime in West Hampstead and Fortune Green
8th December 3:30pm – children’s concert at St Augustine’s
8th December 11am – 9pm – community association for West Hampstead is having an Affordable Art Exhibition with free music, mulled wine and mince pies
12th December – Siding community centre AGM
13th December – South Hampstead and Kilburn Community Partnership AGM
16th December 2pm – 4pm- Alan Hovell will do a historic walk of Kilburn from St Cuthberts to St Augustine’s. All proceeds will go to homeless charities. Book here.
What is happening a bit later
24th January – an 8 week complementary therapies course on Thursdays 1 – 3pm
If you have news, an event, some local history or just a favourite corner of Kilburn you’d like to share please email us or tweet to @lifeinkilburn.