We found the resting place of the creator of Paddington Bear, Michael Bond, in Paddington Old Cemetery in Kilburn off Willesden Lane.
We also attended and helped run workshops at the first meeting for helping to improve Kilburn’s night time economy. In attendance were officials from both Brent and Camden, the police, local businesses and representatives of local residents association. We hope this is the first of more to come and look forward to sharing the outcomes and improvements that will come to Kilburn. During this meeting, it was confirmed that Brent have approved 2 pots of money to improve wayfinding and lighting under the bridges by Kilburn station and to commission street art at key locations.
Have you got tickets to see Kiln’s latest production The Son? It’s been recommended by the Guardian, Metro, Evening Standard and New Statesman!
The best shop window display goes to Traid again this fortnight with an homage to Karl Lagerfeld. The Three shop window was a strong contender.
A tearoom pop-up has opened on the high road. Go and check it out or treat your mum on mother’s day with one of their special offers.
The Tata Eatery pop-up in Sir Colin Campbell finished and is replaced from 7th March by “Lucky Chip”.
A new Texan burger and chicken restaurant is opening where Bake and Cake once was.
Brian James from the rock band The Damned once lived in Kilburn. Myra Hess, a Kilburn lady, transformed the National Gallery into a Concert Hall during WWII. Check out this footage showing Dudley Moore’s flat at 80 Kilburn High road.
Sweet n Savoury at 237 Kilburn High Road have started to host performances. Last week was poetry next it will be theatre on 15th March.
There’s a Q&A with Roddy Doyle (The Commitments) & Paddy Breathnach (Viva) of their new film Rosie at Kiln Cinema on 7 March.
We would love to have an update on the Kilburn Grange park Adventure Playground which has been shut for 2 years now.
Kingsgate Project Space have started their exhibition programme again. Well worth a visit.
The start of public realm improvements in Kilburn?
All guardrails will be removed along the High Road. Some of you expressed some worries about a possible decrease of pedestrian safety. It has been proven that, on the contrary, guardrails do not make pedestrians safe. Here is an article summarising the benefits of guardrails removal.
The latest accident this morning (around 5am) in the vicinity of the Sir Colin Campbell shows that guardrails do not prevent cars from mounting pavements. Shame on the authorities that failed to make the area safe for pedestrians after the accident.
The old Kingdom Bar is slowly transforming into the Mean Fiddler.
Did you know that Kilburn’s ICMP is linked to 2 Oscars, Best Original Score for Black Panther and voice coaching of best actor.
Unfortunately a lady had a very bad fall because of dangerous paving slabs under the bridge by the Shell station. We had reported but Brent had not made the site safe.
Camden has agreed to double the fine for fly tipping. Please help us by reporting fly tipping on the Clean Camden or Cleaner Brent apps. Every bit helps!
Brent Council will introduce new higher thresholds for planning applications to be decided at Committee.. They will require 51 public objections, or 3 councillors requests to bring a planning decision to Committee. Is this a move towards more transparency?
The Mayor of London was in Kilburn this week.
The estate agent signs have been removed from the Brent side of the road, now it looks like Camden are going to remove them on their side of the road too. Great news!
Do you know of a small business or charity that uses polluting vans or minibuses? Please share this information about a scrappage scheme. On the air pollution theme, the Kilburn High road has very high levels of NO2.
More nostalgia from rock bands from when we had the Luminaire in Kilburn.
There will be further night time closures of the Kilburn high road for bridge maintenance work.
Citymapper are launching a ‘one stop shop’ travel pass for zones 1&2 offering unlimited travel on the Tube, buses and Overground in zones one and two.
And because Kilburn has always been Kilburn….Maybe an answer to our very high air pollution levels, but with only ONE steering wheel please!
What is happening this fortnight
4th March – BRAT meeting with interesting speakers.
4th March – Start of “Family for Life” free 4 weeks course at Kingsgate Centre.
7th March – Roddy Doyle (The Commitments) & Paddy Breathnach (Viva) are heading to Kilburn for a Q&A screening of their new film Rosie at Kiln Cinema on 7 March, 6pm. Tickets £10:
10th March – Cabaret night at the Kiln
13th March – AGM of Kingsgate Community Centre.
14th March – free whiskey tasting at the North London Tavern
15th March The Hill – theatre performance at Sweet and Savoury cafe
What is happening a bit later
29th March – Lorna Robertson, Robert MacBryde exhibition opens at Kingsgate 6 – 9pm. Continues until 27 April 2019
29th March Big night of Comedy at the North London Tavern
16th April- 7pm at ICMP Brent Kilburn Safer neighbourhood meeting.
5th to 6th May – Canal Carnival in Little Venice
15th May – Mapesbury Dell AGM
15th June – Midsummer opera evening at Mapesbury Dell
29th-30th June – Queen’s Park Book Festival
7th July – Family wild day at Mapesbury Dell
Regular Events
Monday Nights: comedy/show nights at the North London Tavern, Open Mic at Sir Colin Campbell
Tuesday Nights quiz at the Black Lion Kilburn and at the Priory Tavern. Comedy at the North London Tavern.
Wednesday nights: open mic at the Earl of Derby, Swing dance at the North London Tavern
Thursday Day: Watling Gardens gardening club 10am -11:30am
Thursday nights: Karaoke at the Earl of Derby
Friday nights: Live Irish Music at Sir Colin Campbell, live music at the North London Tavern, Karaoke nights at the Cock Tavern, band night at Earl of Derby and Live Music at Maison Vie.
Saturday day from 11am to 1pm Gardening in the St Cuthberts garden
Saturday nights: Live Irish Music at Sir Colin Campbell, retro evenings at the North London Tavern, DJ night at Earl of Derby.
Sunday nights: quiz at the North London Tavern, Live Irish Music at Sir Colin Campbell. Live Irish music at the Black Lion pub 6pm – 8pm
If you have news, an event, some local history or just a favourite corner of Kilburn you’d like to share please email us news@lifeinkilburn.com or tweet to @lifeinkilburn.