Is pink the new colour trend in Kilburn? Delightful window display and gentleman. Let’s hope however that this red and this yellow do not take over our streets.
Did you know that George Orwell was a Kilburn resident? We also have a plaque for him! Here’s an article from Orwell Jr when the plaque went up.
This shop was opened in 1884 by George Arnold as a pawnbroker/jeweller. He also had a branch in Kentish Town. Still a jewellers today!

Unfortunately Tara Leigh Tearoom closed down.
We went on a 2 hours walk down the Kilburn High Road with Shama Tatler Town Centre Manager, and Brent Planning Enforcement. Hope you will see the results soon. We will be attending a meeting on 16th July regarding improvements to the Kilburn High Road. So watch this space.
The pedestrian guardrails removal programme is progressing albeit at a slow pace. It’s freeing up more space on the pavements for pedestrians. But are Brent Council selling off some of our restricted pavement space?
Did you spot the beautiful Oxfam shop window display?
Teenagers (13-19), Camden resident or going to a Camden school? Check this out.
Sadly even though the warmer weather has been lovely, the water feature at Kilburn Grange park is still not turned on. This is due to an electrical fault. We hope that it’s fixed soon.
This week we heard that William Hill are closing some of their shops. There are currently 3 along the high road. Will any of them close?
Did you know that Scottie Wilson lived in Kilburn? At 37 Lynton Road to be exact. RIP to Leon Kossoff who died this week and painted our tube station extensively.
Bin gone, bin back! Oh Brent why is it so difficult? and speaking of Brondesbury Station, the future project manager for the installation of lifts at the station has confirmed that it’s her next project. Cannot wait…
Streets kitchen started in Kilburn. If you’d like to help more info here. Also in need of more volunteers is Food Cycle Kilburn to help serve a wonderful 3-course lunch at St Cuthbert’s Church.
It was interesting to read that Brent Council has gone to the High Court because a Wembley primary school was using their car park to make revenue on event days but has done nothing against Ruach Church charging for the use of their car park in Kilburn in contravention with planning permission. One of the most liked twitter post this fortnight, was our call to light the Gaumont State Tower again. A clear indication of your love for this Kilburn Landmark!
What was it like for the second generation of Irish to grow up in Kilburn?
Excellent theatre productions have always been a strength in Kilburn, but did we host the “worst play in the world“?
There’s lots going on at the Granville. From meditation to HS2 community engagement sessions to free entrepreneurial support. Check it all out here.
Noise nuisance getting you down? There’s an app for that.
Some of Kilburn’s singular features; an historic foundation stone half covered and a traffic light fitting fully integrated in a show display. Did we mention the windowless building in Willesden Lane?
And finally…. Watch out for the Kilburn rose bud stealer!
What’s happening this fortnight
11th July The Modern Strangers at the Fiddler.
12th July Opening night for new exhibition and reveal of new billboard at Kingsgate Project Space.
13th July Family Opening Celebration of the Brent Kilburn Hub from 12-3pm
14th July Headcage at the Fiddler
16th July 7pm – Brent Kilburn Safer Neighbourhood Panel meeting at the Granville.
16th July open day at the Netherwood day centre from 4pm to 8pm.
18th July first preview of “Blues in the Night” at the Kiln Theatre
What’s happening a bit later
27th July A Night of Pure Moby-Dickery at The Tin Tabernacle
11th August a Hampstead to Kilburn walk led by Alan, our local Camden tour guide. “Walk Hope and Charity”
23rd August “The Heliocentrics” at the Fiddler.
19th September “Abbey Autumn Festival” at Abbey Community Centre.
12th October Heritage Fair at Sidings Community Centre.