The big news this week is that the planning application for the demolition of the Good Ship and converting it into flats with a D1 use business on the ground floor has been refused!! Let’s hope we can retain a licensed venue in this location for locals and visitors to Kilburn to enjoy. Thanks to all who took the time to object.
There is a new flower seller next to Sainsbury’s local
Please take 30 seconds to vote for an amazing local charity, the Abbey Community Centre, to be Sainsbury’s Kilburn High Rd’s Local Charity of the Year. Just follow the instructions here.
Enjoy the sunshine and get active in Kilburn. Book the tennis courts in Kilburn Grange Park here.
Remember when Brent Council asked for feedback regarding the high streets in the borough? The deadline was originally for earlier this year, it has now been extended out until early 2019. This is Brent councils response here. Let’s hope they share what activities and improvements they have planned for the borough soon.
Quartieri celebrated their 1 year anniversary on the Kilburn High road. They serve up fantastic pizzas and are a Time Out London award winner too!
Where is the best Sunday roast in West Hampstead or Kilburn?
This week was the end of Ramadan. Grange Park hosted a well attended Eid party.
Have you heard of KOVE (Kilburn Older Voices Exchange)? They run campaigns and also a variety of events. Check out their Videos on Vimeo.
Leonie Nagel is having her first solo exhibition at Kingsgate Workshops until the 24th June, open on Thursday to Saturday. Worth a visit.
Good news – Brent Council are going to look at improving the visibility of the crossing at Shoot Up Hill.
Kingsgate Shool in Maygrove road, made it into the Private Eye after being awarded a RIBA award.
Did you know that a famous artist, Jo Brocklehurst lived and worked in Westbere Road? Here is a video that Dick Weindling kindly shared with us. For more information about her click here.
We will have a busy weekend next week with ICMP, Kingsgate Workshops and Kingsgate Community centre taking part. Our MP, Tulip Siddiq will be there as well. Please read on for details.
What is happening this week
Tuesday 19th June 7pm Brent Connects Kilburn meeting at the Granville. All Kilburn residents are welcome to attend.
Tuesday 19th June 10am -2pm – are you a local community organisation or charity? Then check out this FREE workshop
Saturday 23rd June from 1pm to 3pm free guided walk of Kilburn, but you need to register. It’s titled “Kilburn surprises and secrets- a rich history and cultures”. Places are going fast…
22-24th June Kingsgate Project Space open studios weekend. Great events and workshops are planned (make a musical instrument, try some pottery or etching, hear talks or do a tour.), some are FREE a full list here. Additionally there will be a street party on Kingsgate Road on 23rd June. The music will be performed by the students of ICMP. Please check the performance times:
12:30-13:00 Lewis Pettican
13:00-13:15 Dance performance
13:20-13:50 Natalie Lindi
14:00-14:30 Lily Hesketh-Joslin
14:30-14:45 Speech from the MP Tulip Siddiq + Dance performance
14:50-15:20 Cristina Hart
15:30-16:00 Conor Riley
16:10-16:40 Roxanne Kelly Music
16:50-17:20 Tega Mendes
17:30-18:00 DAY
23rd June. There is another open day at the West Hampstead Hockey Club for members and non members.
Regular Events
Sunday nights at 7pm are quiz nights at the North London Tavern. Did you win the £360 bar tab this week?
Monday Nights are comedy/show nights at the North London Tavern.
Tuesday Nights are quiz nights at the Black Lion Kilburn
Thursday nights are Open Mic nights at the North London Tavern
Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights have an in house DJ at the Brondes Age pub
Friday, Saturday and Sunday from 9pm, Live Irish Music at Sir Colin Campbell.
Friday nights – live music at the North London Tavern from 7pm
Saturday from 11am to 1pm Gardening in the St Cuthberts garden
Saturday – retro evenings at the North London Tavern from 9pm
The first Wednesday of every month there is a board game night at the Alliance pub on Mill lane in nearby West Hampstead
What is happening a bit later
25th June see local author Zadie Smith at the Clayton Crown Hotel in Cricklewood reading from “The North West London Blues” and doing a Q&A
25th June 10am – 2pm – are you a local community organisation or charity? Then check out this FREE workshop
30th June-1st July Queens Park book fest. Local author Zadie Smith will be attending. Tickets are now on sale for £10 or less. There are also a number of free events for children and adults. Please book your space so you don’t miss out. Click here for the full brochure.
1st July from 11am – Dell Wild Day in Mapesbury Dell – a family day, with BBQ, a wild animal show, baby farmyard animals for your children to cuddle, face-painting etc. Plus a licensed bar
7th & 8th July. 12-5pm – Jester festival at Fortune Green in West Hampstead
13th July at 7pm- Irish music and poetry at the Sacred Heart Catholic Church. Quex Rd, Kilburn, London NW6 4PS Free entry – donations gratefully accepted
14th July from 7pm – Park Life Singers Choir in Mapesbury Dell. A jolly evening of wine and song.
21st July 3-6pm Restart Party at Kingsgate Community Centre. Save your electronics and electrical gadgets!
If you have news, an event, some local history or just a favourite corner of Kilburn you’d like to share please email us or tweet to @lifeinkilburn