Kilburn Conversation

How do you feel about Kilburn?

We have started a Kilburn Conversation using a robust software called The aim of the conversation is to gather your opinions about Kilburn, what is good and what could be improved…

Having met many of you, it is clear that the opinion of many is not taken into account by the authorities in charge of managing our much loved neighbourhood. Consultations tend to be biased and do not ask the questions you want to give answers to. So here is your chance!

This conversation is completely anonymous and relies on many of you taking part. The more the merrier and in this case the better to get a feel of your opinion(s) of Kilburn.

So what is involved?

  1. You click this link.
  2. You will be presented with a randomised selection of statements made by people taking part.
  3. For each statement you are presented with select either “agree”, “disagree” or “pass/unsure”
  4. At the bottom of each page there is a “share your perspective” space. Use this space to submit a comment about Kilburn that you have not seen covered in the comments you have been presented with. It is best to vote on all comments available before sharing a perspective. This space is not related to the comment you are looking at and will not be linked to you. It is best to make simple statements like “I love Kilburn” or “I regularly shop at Aldi” rather than for example ” I love Kilburn because there is an Aldi but the mess on the street puts me off.”
  5. Your perspective will be moderated and available for others to vote on. If your idea has not been covered in previously submitted perspectives, it will be accepted and participants will be able to vote on your idea.
  6. You can log into the system to be alerted about new comments. We don’t have access to this information so do not worry about registering! This is also entirely optional.
  7. Come back to the link regularly as new comments are added all the time and will be presented to you.

How you can help?

  • share the link with your friends, neighbours, family and your network.
  • print this PDF poster and display it in your window. Please do not fly post ie do not put on street furniture and the like. Only display in your shop window, official noticeboards that you control or your accommodation window.
  • spread the word in your whatsapp groups, on nextdoor or whereever you see fit, providing it doesn’t involve fly posting.

What happens next?

We will publish some key points about the conversation in the Autumn. This is the kind of graphs we are seeing, so will not bore you with all the data! However it is already quite clear that there are 3 distinctive groups of people with similar opinions and a few issues that are very divisive in Kilburn.

Take part, Enjoy and Share!