We started Life in Kilburn a year ago this week! Why? We wanted to highlight what is good about Kilburn. We wanted to inform you about what is happening in the area and provide a voice for Kilburn. Kilburn is a “bit rough around the edges”, but where else in London would you find such a varied mix of people, a great Theatre, great parks, great shops and food from around the world?
We also wanted to remind the authorities that we are a vibrant place at the frontier of 2 boroughs (not counting Westminster in the South!), 6 electoral wards and that we deserve a bit of investment and love. Because we’re at the edge of so many boundaries, it can sometimes feel like we’re a bit forgotten about.
Hopefully we have helped you discover our rich history, numerous businesses, our green spaces and our lovely Community Centres. There is plenty to do and enjoy in Kilburn!
So “who is behind Life in Kilburn?” we hear you say. We are 2 individuals who live locally with a passion to help make Kilburn even better. We have no political agenda and do not have any commercial motive. If you have a great tip, news or community information you’d like to share, please tweet or email us.
Enough rambling and back to the newsletter….
The new exhibitions at Kingsgate Project Space opened on the 29th March and the new Billboard was revealed. Please do go and pay a visit until the 27th April.
Foodcycle Kilburn launched on 30th March with a superb 3 course meal. We were delighted to be amongst the 40 persons in attendance and of course loved the food and atmosphere. Foodcycle is all about serving free meals to foster a community spirit, from ingredients destined to the bin!. So please do attend, as it is great way to meet people and share news about the community while being fed. Thank you St Cuthbert’s Church for having opened your doors to such a wonderful initiative. Joanne from NW2 Garden friends will possibly also be organising garden tours on Saturdays before the lunch and is welcoming any new volunteer gardener.
We attended the Camden Kilburn Safer Neighbourhood meeting on 20th March and were glad to hear that this side of the High Road has very few reported crimes. It would be nice for some of the local Councillors to attend in the future.
There was a huge Police presence on Tuesday from 5pm to 1.30am. One helicopter then 3 helicopters. In case you have missed out this was due to 2 individuals who escaped police arrest by climbing onto roofs via a scaffolding. They were feared to carry weapons thus the massive police intervention. All ended well with the individuals arrested, a few possessions misplaced and material damage that the police “corded unit” recorded. Once again the community came together, with Quex Road Methodist Church and the Mazenod Centre opening their doors to stranded residents. The Kilburn spirit was not defeated and it was an occasion to get to know neighbours.
The best new shop signage award goes to Piccolo at 340 Kilburn High Road. They are hosting an open mic session on 2nd April.
We’re very excited to hear that Duck, Duck, Goose is coming to Kilburn where Speedy Noodle used to be. It has great reviews from their Finchley road restaurant.
The man who smashed shops windows, including Piccolo’s is now in jail.
Brent Cycling Campaign asked what would encourage Walking and Cycling. We think it is quite simple. Do retweet if you agree.
An interesting story from the past about a Kilburn tobacconist and the actress’s jewels courtesy of Dick Weindling.
Are you an artist in need of free studio space? An opportunity not to be missed! Apply by 14th April. Want to know more about Kingsgate Workshops here is a film by Anna Bowman, who is famous now in Camden.
The decision by Brent Council to allow partial destruction of the Granville and Carlton Centres in South Kilburn has been referred to the Council’s Scrutiny Committee. If you would like to support the local campaign please sign this petition.
The Mean Fiddler(old Kingdom bar) is getting closer to re-opening. Only a couple more weeks away now we’re told. A local already has a gig lined up. Want to know more about Vince Power’s link to Kilburn?
Sitll on the music front, “Bright Nights” want to start Music Nights at the Priory Tavern.
A new restaurant called Spicy Corner has opened at 256 Kilburn High Road
Will Bronsdesbury station get lifts? London Travel Watch, a statutory body, has let it slip that it is on the cards! Let’s hope that they do not close the ticket office before we get the lifts.
A local person, Jenny Jules, is getting famous in the role of Hermione on Broadway.
Local author Helen Harris has made it onto the shortlist for the People’s Book Prize for the Brondesbury Tapestry. And if you’re interested in reading please join the weekly Kingsgate readers group which meets every Monday night 7pm – 8:30pm at the Kingsgate Community Centre. Email for info.
Want to understand how the huge developments in Brent Cross might impact on Kilburn then do attend this public meeting on 4th April.
Kiln appointed new artistic directors. They are also running a free Production Arts course from 15th May, for 16 to 25 years old.
CamdenAlive, a project funded by the Mayor of London came to Kilburn. Ambitious project to record Communities in Camden.
Flytipping in the area is bad enough without businesses adding to the rubbish piles. At least we finally have some new bins installed outside Kilburn tube station. and Brent are organising a BIG CLEAN UP on 13th and 14th April.
Jackie beauty has had a name change to C&A Hair salon and beauty.
206 Kilburn High Road, then and now.
Fayrouse Ltd have been struck off by Companies House. What will happen to their site under the train bridge now?
Lime bikes have not only invaded our pavements but also seem to end up on roofs now.
The “Bird in Hand” received some attention and quite a few mentions. Then and Now. If you want to know more, click here.
Are you an European Citizen and need help with your “settled status” application? Help is available in Kilburn on 1st April.
Want to see “Notorious” by Hitchcock? £0.50 screening this week.
Still not convinced that Kilburn is the place to be? That’s what a Swedish tourist writes about Kilburn.
And once you get there expect the unexpected and no, it is not Monaco.
What is happening this fortnight
1st April- 4pm to 6pm “Settled Status” help for European citizens.
2nd April – 6.45pm to 8.15 pm Kilburn Neighbourhood planning forum meeting. Please join!
2nd April – 7pm – 11pm open mic at Piccolo cafe
3rd April – renters meeting for London’s Latin American community
4th April 1.30 pm “Notorious” film screening at Kingsgate Community Centre
4th April 8pm “What about the Brent Cross development? How will it affect you”.
6th April – 11:15am Sing Along to The Greatest Showman at Kiln Theatre
6th April – live music night at the Priory Tavern
6th April- Camden cyclists bike ride starting at 12.30pm from Sidings Community Centre
7th April – Upfront comedy night at Kiln Theatre
8-12th April -Easter School Holiday Playscheme for 5-11 year olds
13-14th April – Big clean up of the Brent side of the Kilburn High road
14th April – Foraging walk in Paddington Old Cemetery
What is happening a bit later
16th April- 7pm at ICMP Brent Kilburn Safer neighbourhood meeting.
25th April “The Half God of Rainfall” opens at the Kiln Theatre.
30th April – 6pm-8:30pm exhibition featuring some of the local artists from Kingsgate at the Hampstead School of Art
5th May-Upfront Comedy at the Kiln
5th to 6th May – Canal Carnival in Little Venice
15th May – Mapesbury Dell AGM
15th June – Midsummer opera evening at Mapesbury Dell
2nd June Upfront Comedy at the Kiln.
29th-30th June – Queen’s Park Book Festival
7th July – Family wild day at Mapesbury Dell
Regular Events
Monday Nights: comedy/show nights at the North London Tavern, Open Mic at Sir Colin Campbell
7pm-8:30pm Kingsgate readers group at the Kingsgate Community Centre (not on the 15th or 22nd April or bank holidays). Email for more info
Tuesday Nights quiz at the Black Lion Kilburn and at the Priory Tavern. Comedy at the North London Tavern.
Wednesday nights: open mic at the Earl of Derby, Swing dance at the North London Tavern
Thursday Day: Watling Gardens gardening club 10am -11:30am
Thursday nights: Karaoke at the Earl of Derby
Friday nights: Live Irish Music at Sir Colin Campbell, live music at the North London Tavern, Karaoke nights at the Cock Tavern, band night at Earl of Derby and Live Music at Maison Vie.
Saturday day from 11am to 1pm Gardening in the St Cuthberts garden
Saturday 1.15pm Free Foodcycle Lunch at St Cuthbert’s Church- All welcome.
Saturday nights: Live Irish Music at Sir Colin Campbell, retro evenings at the North London Tavern, DJ night at Earl of Derby.
Sunday nights: quiz at the North London Tavern, Live Irish Music at Sir Colin Campbell. Live Irish music at the Black Lion pub 6pm – 8pm
If you have news, an event, some local history or just a favourite corner of Kilburn you’d like to share please email us news@lifeinkilburn.com or tweet to @lifeinkilburn.